Towbar Height - How High Is Correct?

The height of the towbar directly affects the vehicle’s towing capacity. According to the Australian Design Rules, the tow ball height should be anywhere between 350 mm and 460 mm from the ground. You’ll have to measure the distance from the ground to the centre of the tow ball. You must keep this distance in mind when you’re trying to get your caravan to sit level on the ground.

The Right Tow Ball Height

Refer to the vehicle manufacturer’s documents to find the recommended tow ball height range for your vehicle. Park your vehicle on level ground and adjust your towing gear. The distance from the ground to the bottom front and bottom rear edge of the caravan should remain the same. There are various factors that change the height of the tow ball. These include the height of the vehicle and the size of the tyres.

Height of the Caravan Coupling Head

If you’ve loaded the caravan to its maximum permitted mass, the height of the coupling head should be between 385mm and 455mm. If you look at these specifications, you’ll realise that the tow level will always be slightly ‘nose-down’, not perfectly levelled. If the tow ball is at 350mm on a fully laden vehicle and the trailer coupling is at 510 mm on an empty trailer, the difference in height is extreme. So even though you’re within the permissible range, the difference is still high.

What to Do if the Tow Ball is High

If you have an adjustable tow ball assembly, simply lower the tow ball on the bracket so it stays well within legal limits. If not, use a dropper plate to lower the tow ball to the desired height. Certain towbars are approved for use with drop plates. If you’re not sure how to address this problem, speak to both the vehicle manufacturer and the towing bracket manufacturer to see which option is best for you.

What to Do if the Tow Ball is Low

Low tow ball problems are generally seen in lowered sports suspension vehicles. Ask a towbar specialist to fit it higher if possible. If not, fix the rear suspension of the vehicle. You will have to professionally install stiffer springs or spring assisters to raise the read end of the vehicle.

Sometimes it’s not the tow ball height that’s incorrect. It’s the trailer coupling height that’s wrong. Measure and modify the coupling height to solve the problem.

Adjusting the towbar height is no easy task. It’s best to get professional help to make sure you’re in compliance with all the rules and regulations.

Towbar Installers in Melbourne

Want to adjust the height of your towbar? Give the experts at Advanced Towbars a call. We have been in business for more than 4 decades and we have the expertise to install your towbar.

We also have a wide range of towing accessories, nudge bars and towbars for sale. We offer professional towbar fittings at affordable rates!

Call us on 1300 238 869 for an obligation-free quote. Also, visit us online to see our products and the brands we work with.